Linguists can always help your business in more than one way.
For simplicity we list below the most popular services that we offer. It's important to know that we are not limited by geography, topics or volume of work. We work with all major European and South-East Asian languages and some regional variants.
To avoid ambiguity in terms we follow this basic definition: translators write - interpreters talk.
We hope the description of services will assist you in making your choice, however please feel free to make full use of our contact page and ask us any question that you might have.

Translation Services
Our typical translation services include:
translations of documents issued abroad and intended for use in Macau;
translations of documents issued in Macau for use abroad;
certified/sworn translations;
translations of legal, financial, commercial, technical, artistic texts;
editing and proofreading;
content localisation;
transcripts of audio and video recordings with translation;
draft translations (quick translations summarising the content of the document for reference);
Desktop Publishing (DTP) assistance;
websites translation and localisation;
subtitling for movies;
software code and games content translation
Interpreting services
Interpreting services are broadly divided into these categories:
Consecutive Interpreting (CI), when the interpreter listens to the speaker first, then transmits the message to the listener while speaker is waiting for interpreter to finish;
Simultaneous Interpreting (SI), when the interpreter listens to the speaker and transmits the message to the listener at the same time. The speaker does not need to stop. This is typically done with the use of special SI equipment;
Whispered Interpreting, when the interpreter is working one-on-one with a single client;
Negotiation interpreting, used for business meetings and commercial assignments
Paralegal Services
There are many areas in administrative and legal proceedings where you do not need (or not required by law) to hire a lawyer. Our qualifications allow us to assist in these and similar activities:
legalisation of documents;
civil registration procedures;
company search;
company formation, alteration and dissolution;
interpreting in court and arbitration;
interpreting for notarial deeds;
interpreting for medical services;
accompanying property and commercial transactions;
acting on powers of attorney to negotiate and sign certain deeds on behalf of the client;
issuing expert opinion and expert report

In collaboration with our affiliates we participate in designing and organising tailor-made classroom training courses for hotel and restaurant staff and other hospitality industry professionals, with emphasis on impact of cultural backgrounds on customer satisfaction.
Hotel operators will get an opportunity to have their staff learn in-house in the shortest possible time and receive first hand coaching and practical knowledge about important features and elements of cultural background of their guests; learn about 'dos' and 'don’ts' that could provide crucial assistance to personnel in improving hotel's service while attending to distinct catering needs in specific inbound segments.
This practical knowledge creates the whole new experience for the guests and gives the participating hotel establishments competitive edge over their business rivals.
We currently organise courses focused on inbound tourism from China, Russia and South Korea.
Media content localisation
The concept behind the localisation is translating an entire package of corporate materials, including website, company presentation, company brochure, services leaflets, promotional leaflets, manuals and so on into desired language, and making sure that it reads and feels as if written by a native speaker.
To achieve this we extensively use native speakers with exemplary language skills, who are also qualified to handle the topics in question.
Work on retainer
Working on retainer agreement falls half-way between one-time and full time contracting.
This service is offered to clients requiring long term or recurring involvement
Depending on the size of the project we may discuss with the client and offer to create a dedicated working group that would organise and implement all necessary project-specific tasks.
In some cases the specialists are available for secondment to work in the client's premises for the duration of all or part of the contract.
Downloads and links
Translation and Interpreting Standards
The European Standard of Translation EN 15038
The American Standard ASTM F2575
Video Tutorials
How interpreters juggle two languages at once
- Ewandro Magalhaes
Language is complex, and when abstract or nuanced concepts get lost in translation, the consequences may be catastrophic. Given the complexities of language and cultural exchange, how do these epic miscommunications not happen all the time? Ewandro Magalhaes explains how much of the answer lies with the skill and training of interpreters to overcome language barriers.
What our language habits reveal
- Steven Pinker
In an exclusive preview of his book The Stuff of Thought, Steven Pinker looks at language and how it expresses what goes on in our minds - and how the words we choose communicate much more than we realize.
NYC sign language star
CNN's Alina Cho talks to Lydia Callis about her boisterous sign language mannerism and her newfound fame.